
The POWHEG BOX is a general computer framework for implementing NLO calculations in shower Monte Carlo programs according to the POWHEG method. It is also a library, where previously included processes are made available to the users. It can be interfaced with all modern shower Monte Carlo programs that support the Les Houches Interface for User Generated Processes.


Available NLO+PS Processes back to Index

       POWHEG-BOX/Z         POWHEG-BOX/Zj
        POWHEG-BOX/Wj         POWHEG-BOX/ST_sch
        POWHEG-BOX/ST_wtch_DS         POWHEG-BOX/gg_H         POWHEG-BOX/VBF_H
        POWHEG-BOX/Dijet         POWHEG-BOX/dijet (under ver 2)         POWHEG-BOX/hvq         POWHEG-BOX/Wp_Wp_J_J
        (Needs to be linked with an external program to compute virtual corrections. Detailed instructions are in the manual)         POWHEG-BOX/VBF_Wp_Wp

Available NNLO+PS Processes using MiNNLOPS back to Index

(References of the MiNNLOPS procedure: P. Monni, P. Nason, E. Re, M. Wiesemann and G. Zanderighi, JHEP 05 (2020) 143, arXiv:1908.06987 [paper], P. Monni, E. Re and M. Wiesemann, Eur. Phys. J. C80 (2020), no.11, 1075, arXiv:2006.04133 [paper])

       POWHEG-BOX-V2/Zj    (inside ZjMiNNLO subfolder)
       POWHEG-BOX-V2/Wj    (inside WjMiNNLO subfolder)        POWHEG-BOX-V2/HJ    (inside HJMiNNLO subfolder)
        POWHEG-BOX-V2/ttJ_MiNNLO         POWHEG-BOX-RES/ZgamJ

Proper references back to Index

In addition to the specific subprocess reference, the following papers should always be cited while using the POWHEG BOX:
If you use the RES package, please quote also For a pedagogical introduction to the underlying theory, look at Next-to-Leading-Order Event Generators, P. Nason and B. Webber, 2012

Download back to Index

The POWHEG BOX is made available only via SVN, with the command:

$ svn checkout [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://

The optional argument --revision n is used to specify which svn version to get. Omitting the argument, one gets the latest version.

Since revision 2801, the POWHEG BOX files, without user processes, have been mirrored in svn:// Further fixes to this version will only be made in this directory. Thus, users should first download

$ svn checkout svn:// POWHEG-BOX

then do

$ svn checkout svn://"process-of-interest"

This is to avoid having to download all user processes when we are only interested into one.

VERSION 2 back to Index

Processes may still be developed in V2, although RES is now recommended. Older processes will be ported on V2 upon request to the respective authors.
To get the V2 version do
$ svn checkout [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://

User processes should be downloaded independently. This is to avoid long downloads from the svn server. They are in the subdirectories in svn://
$ svn list [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://
to get a list of available processes.

$ svn co [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://
to download process XXX. In order to compile XXX you should put it in the POWHEG-BOX-V2 directory.

VERSION RES (first release: svn revision 3239) back to Index

The POWHEG BOX RES (Tomáš Ježo and Paolo Nason, JHEP 1512 (2015) 065, arXiv:1509.09071 [paper]) can deal with radiation in decaying resonaces. To get the RES version do
$ svn checkout [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://

User processes should be downloaded independently. This is to avoid long downloads from the svn server. They are in the subdirectories in svn://
$ svn list [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://
to get a list of available processes.

$ svn co [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://
to download process XXX. In order to compile XXX you should put it in the POWHEG-BOX-RES directory.

You need a recent version of the gfortran compiler to compile it.
At CERN, do:
source /afs/

As a first thing, go to the process directory and do:
$ make check

BUGS back to Index

A list of found bugs in the V1 (trunk/POWHEG-BOX) version can be found here. Bugs are corrected immediately in the trunk version, that can be considered the most up-to-date version of the POWHEG BOX.

A list of found bugs in the V2 (trunk/POWHEG-BOX-V2) version can be found here. Bugs are corrected immediately in the V2 version, that can be considered the most up-to-date version of the POWHEG BOX V2.

A list of found bugs in the RES (trunk/POWHEG-BOX-RES) version can be found here. Bugs are corrected immediately in the RES version, that can be considered the most up-to-date version of the POWHEG BOX RES.

The previous trunk (before 29 March 2011) is made available at

$ svn checkout [--revision n] --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://

Previous implementations can be found in the old web page.

Licence back to Index

The POWHEG BOX is distributed under the following license, according to the MCNet Guidelines for Event Generators Authors and Users.

Contributing Authors back to Index

Up to now, the following people have contributed to the POWHEG BOX:
Simone Alioli, Keith Hamilton, Paolo Nason, Carlo Oleari, Emanuele Re, Giulia Zanderighi, Tomáš Ježo .