The instructions to generate the process are detailed in arXiv:2008.06364 0) Please refer to the paper for downloading the plugin. 1) run mg5_aMC, using the command path_to_MG5_aMC/bin/mg5_aMC --mode=MG5aMC_PWG Then, inside mg5_aMC, give the following commands: import model HC_NLO_X0_UFO-heft generate p p > x0 j j / t [QCD] output "directory_where_the_code_by_MG_is_created" Now the are two possible ways to proceed: ******************* FIRST WAY ******************* 2) svn checkout the X0jj directory from the User-Processes-V2 repository svn co svn:// ./"X0jj_svn_directory" 3) replace all the files in the "directory_where_the_code_by_MG_is_created" with the files from the svn directory "X0jj_svn_directory" ******************* SECOND WAY ******************* Alternatively, in "directory_where_the_code_by_MG_is_created", run the script and then checkout the X0jj repository with svn co svn:// ./ In this way, there is just a single directory, called "directory_where_the_code_by_MG_is_created", where the modified files are already under svn ************************************************************************* Please refer to the README file for further instructions and indications.